I would like to live to study, and not study to live. -Bacon 我愿意为了学习而活着,不愿意为了活着而学习。 -培根 身处光伏行业,没点英语"防身"怎么能行!2024-08-21,就为大家带来福利:光伏行业英语大全方位!看完之后,再也不用对着那些专业术语发呆啦。还在等什...
5、在效益特点上太阳能铝合金光伏支架能提高发电效率百分之五十以上,同时也能降低百分之四十的发电成本,极大可减少二氧化碳的排放 In terms of benefit characteristics, solar aluminum alloy photovoltaic support can improve power generation efficiency by more than 50%, reduce power generation
Arctech Solar is one of the world''s leading manufacturers and solution providers of solar tracking and racking systems, and dedicates itself to providing top-quality solar tracking products and services for public, commercial, industrial, and residential projects.